Eat Like Jessica

When I started Flowers and Gray, I wanted it to be so much more than selling clothes.  I wanted a central location for my friends to come together and laugh, shop, and chat. I wanted to share the things that made me happy (or sad!) throughout my day - whether it was a new outfit, the latest recipe I made, something that happened in my day or just a cocktail that made me so happy I wanted to share it with the world.  See, I relate everything that happens to me, people included, to flowers in an otherwise gray world.  Some of these moments are small, some of these moments are big - but they all invoke emotion and a sense of togetherness and I want to share that with you all.  


In my “food/cocktail” collection, I want to introduce you to people that have made an impact in my life - whether it be a small or big moment, they all have a flower to share with you. I hope that you when you recreate what they share, you will find yourself sharing the same happy emotions they have when they eat, drink or share their recipes.  If you share their flower on social media, I’d love for you to use the hashtag #flowersandgray so we can share in that joy with you. Make sure you tag their social media handles so they will be sure to see!